The average soccer player runs 7 miles per game. Midfielders average 9.5 miles and referees average more miles than players.Source

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AT&T was founded by Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone.Source

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Pineapples in the 1700s were worth over $8000 in present-day currency. People would literally rent them to flex at parties.Source

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Even though Lamborghini is an Italian company, the names of the cars are in Spanish, named after famous bulls in Spanish bullfights.Source

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When HP was being named, William Hewlett & David Packard were unsure of the order to put their names so they decided by simply flipping a coin. Hewlett won.Source

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Jimmy Carter said if he became president, he would release all government UFO information to the public. Once elected, he decided not to due to "national security concerns".Source

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There was a third founder of Apple, Ronald Wayne, who sold his shares of 10% for $800. Today they would be worth over $35 billion.Source

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Google's founders were willing to sell to Excite for under $1 million in 1999—but Excite turned them down.Source

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Most of Steve Jobs' wealth was from his shares in Disney, not Apple.Source

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A moment was a medieval measurement of time and corresponded to 90 seconds.Source

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The expiration date on bottled water is for the bottle, not for the water.Source

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Before the age of alarm clocks, there was a job known as the "knocker up" where a man would tap on someones window with a long pole until they were awake. Often factories would hire men to ensure they made it to the knocker up position on time.Source

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Purple is known as a ‘royal’ color because back when they relied only on natural dyes, purple came from sea snails and was the hardest dye to extract and produce so only royals could afford it.Source

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In Beijing you can pay someone $60 to come and rescue you from a traffic jam. They pick you up on a motorbike and someone else drives your car to its destination.Source

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Every Apple iPhone advertisement displays the time as 9:41 AM, the time Steve Jobs unveiled it in 2007.Source

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The logo of the Royal New Zealand Air Force is the kiwi, a flightless bird.Source

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Banks have therapists who help their super rich clients who mentally unable to cope with their immense wealth.Source

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Slovakia and Slovenia are mistakenly thought to be each other so often they meet once a month to exchange wrongly adressed mail.Source

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During the Cold War, CIA agents used a method of communication based on how their shoelaces were tied.Source

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The inventor of the fire hydrant is unknown due to the patent ironically being destroyed in a fire.Source

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